Sunday, February 1, 2009

16 weeks

Well today I am actually 16 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I have marked the day each week in my phone so I can keep track. I have been feeling more and more uncomfortable and tired lately. My stomach is starting to feel harder so i assume that is you growing inside of me. I'm sure it wont be too much longer before it's obvious I am pregnant. I keep up on my baby book and it says that at this point you are 4.5 inches from your head to your bum so I assume with your little legs you're getting quite big and that's exciting to me. Only 16 more days until we see you again at the doctors office. Oh, I forgot to say that. My appointment that was set for the 24th was bumped up a week so we find out on the 17!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cant wait!!!! I cant wait to see you with a belly too!!!