Monday, June 22, 2009

My thoughts lately....

You know I never really thought much about if I'd miss being pregnant once you were born or not. But the other night I was talking to Daddy and I told him that it will be really weird not being able to feel you inside my stomach anymore once you're born. I mean for 9 months I've carried you and I sort of can't imagine not feeling you move around inside me. Who knows when we'll have you a brother or sister and so I guess I just was reminded that I really should be enjoying this miracle (YOU) which is growing inside of me.


The Jorgensens, said...

It is so amazing feeling your baby moving inside you. I think that is what I miss most about having babies. It really is a miracle.

lshervan said...

You know that country song "Your gonna miss this" It does go to fast so enjoy! Welcome to Motherhood xoxo Dad

Marisa said...

There are phantom baby movements after you have the baby... the doctor said it's your uterus tightening back up but I swear to you it feels almost like a baby flipping around in there still. Totally trippy! There is a chapter in the baby book on it!