Wednesday, March 11, 2009

22 weeks...

Today you are another week older. Not too much going on this past week except mommys first experience in life with heartburn. Daddy and I went out for pizza with Grandpa and moments after leaving my stomach and chest were in pain! Ouch, no fun at all. I will not be eating at that pizza place again until after you are born. I am feeling more and more stretches and tears almost inside my body. They are not very pleasant but I'm sure they are needed in order to get my belly big enough to hold you for these next 18 weeks. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I am excited for that. Something to finally look forward to. I wish I were having an ultrasound, but I'm not!!! FROWN...


Anonymous said...

oh that is the worst...i wish i could tell you that it gets better but it seems like the more room that baby takes up and the further along you get in the pregnancy heart burns continue to gets more popular. calcium ever you spell it was the only thing that worked for that what it is called shiloh? It was worked so well when i was pregnant i gave it to my dad and he loves it.

Rachel said...

Heartburn is the best when it keeps you up at night. if you don't want to go herbal, then it helped me to just take a couple swigs of milk. I was too lazy to try anything else.

Lesley said...

Stretches and tears?? I didn't feel that. I am creeped out! Do you feel like an alien is inside of you yet?